Security Tips You Can Begin Using Today Choose a high quality deadbolt and make sure it is locked at all times, even when you’re home. The bolt should extend for at least 1 inch into the strike plate. Los Angeles Locksmiths recommends Schlage and Mul-T-Lock Entrance doors should have multiple locking points (e.g., deadbolt AND doorknob). Choose solid wood or steel doors: a hollow wood door can be easily kicked in If there is a glass window within 40 inches from a lock, install a double-sided cylindrical lock. Locks must be re-keyed or changed after you move in. Keep doors, windows and vulnerable areas well lit at night. Consider using automatic timers or motion detectors to turn lights on and off. Remove any branches that are near, or next to your home to prevent access to the second floor. Secure all windows and sliding glass doors with a secondary security bar. In apartment buildings, always make sure common area doors are locked and secure; allow lobby access only to individuals you know. In office buildings or workplaces with security concerns a Master Key System can offer different access levels to different individuals. When away from home never make it obvious: leave lights, a stereo and TV working, ask a neighbor to park his car in your driveway, ask a friend to pickup your mail and newspaper. Burglars will see these as signs that you’re home—and move on to their next target.